Before you get started on the steps to a successful filing, it helps to have a little background on the EEOICPA eligibility and claims process.
First things first, what is the EEOICPA? Established in 2000, the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (also known as the EEOICPA) facilitates reparation to people who suffered from exposure to ionizing radiation and certain toxic chemicals during their employment for the Department of Energy. People who have worked for any predecessor agencies of the DOE or DOE contractors, or subcontractors at designated work sites may also qualify.
Medical benefits are specifically for current or former workers who developed a chronic health condition, such as radiogenic cancer(s), pulmonary disease(s), or other chronic illness(es) as a result of their exposure to ionizing radiation or toxic chemicals found in the workplace. Compensation may be available for current or former workers, spouses, or children of those who died as a result of these diseases.
There are two parts of the EEOICPA program: Part B and Part E. Determining which section for which you qualify for compensation depends on several factors, including:
- Which work site the worker worked at
- What years worker was on site
- Worker’s specific health problems/diagnoses
- Toxic chemicals found in the workplace with causal links to diagnoses
- Your status as an applicant – current/former worker, surviving spouse, or child
Depending on the nature of your application, you can receive anywhere from $150,000 to $400,000. All compensation is tax-free.