What Medical Conditions Are Covered by the EEOICPA?

Learn what medical conditions are covered by the EEOICPA to determine if you qualify for benefits.

Do you know what medical conditions are covered by the EEOICPA? Does “Part B” versus “Part E” confuse you?  Did you know the guidelines for evaluation and approval are different?

If you fell ill after working for the Department of Energy or the Atomic Energy Commission, you may qualify for compensation. Don’t assume your illness is just bad luck. You may be at a higher risk of developing a life-altering disease as a result of radiation or chemical exposure. 

EEOICPA allows you to file for any medical condition you or your doctors believe was caused by radiation or chemical exposure. You may also file for conditions that were significantly contributed to by radiation or chemical exposure, or if that exposure aggravated a pre-existing condition.  That said, there’s a big gap between what you may file for and the likelihood for approval of your claim.  Our experience in handling over 2,000 successful claims can help you understand the decision making/approval process and your likelihood for approval.  Time is valuable and you probably would like to know from the start what your chances are. The day you submit necessary paperwork for a claimed condition establishes the effective date for medical coverage and potential reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses. Do not delay, call today and let’s get your claim filed.

Below are some of the medical conditions covered under EEOICPA:

Part B – Special Exposure Cohort: 22 Specified Cancers

Radiation increases the likelihood of developing certain types of cancer. Even seemingly healthy individuals may become sick after working in a nuclear facility. The Special Exposure Cohort (SEC) addresses any workers diagnosed with one of 22 specified cancers, including:

  • Lung
  • Bone
  • Kidney
  • Leukemia
  • Multiple myeloma
  • Lymphomas
  • Thyroid
  • Breast
  • Esophagus
  • Stomach
  • Pharynx
  • Small intestine
  • Bile ducts
  • Pancreas
  • Gallbladder
  • Salivary gland
  • Bladder
  • Brain
  • Colon
  • Ovarian
  • Liver 

These “SEC” cancers must be of a primary origin, while a handful of secondary cancers also qualify under SEC guidelines. Other forms of cancer can be filed for under EEOICPA, however the review process has additional steps. The government usually expedites SEC claims. Speak with an EEOICPA advocate to determine if you have a case.

Part B – All Cancers

All cancers qualify as conditions to be claimed under EEOICPA.  The law stipulates that all cancer claims are to be evaluated based on an analysis of Dose Reconstruction, an estimate as to the likelihood any one or combination of cancers was caused by the measurable radiation dose a worker received in the workplace.  The exception comes in situations where the government determined that workplace radiation monitoring was not sufficient, Special Exposure Cohort guidelines apply.

Beryllium Illnesses of the Lungs

Beryllium was used at several nuclear facilities and many workers go for years without knowing they were affected by Beryllium.  . While in its solid-state, this metal poses no real danger. But, if someone inhales particles of beryllium over an extended period, they may develop certain lung diseases. 

Beryllium sensitivity is dangerous. It can lead to full Chronic Beryllium Disease resulting in severe impairment or even death. If a doctor has diagnosed you with beryllium sensitivity or Chronic Beryllium disease, you may qualify for EEOICPA compensation. However, EEOICPA guidelines require several medical tests to support your claim. An advocate can help you begin and lead you through the claim process.

Part E – Medical Conditions Caused by Chemical Exposure

Many other medical conditions may have been caused by exposure to chemicals in the workplace.  These include any variety of respiratory diseases (COPD, Asbestosis, Pulmonary Fibrosis, etc.), neurological disorders (Neuropathy, Parkinsonism) and Kidney disease, to name a few.  

EEOICPA procedures evaluate a worker’s job function, work processes, chemicals known to have been associated with job functions/work processes, and your medical professional’s statement/opinions as to the likely association (causal relation) between a medical condition and direct exposures to specific chemicals.  

Having the support of your medical professional is important for these claims; however, a simple letter from your doctor may create obstacles to approval if the right information is omitted.

Seek Compensation for Your Illness

You never think merely going to work will make you chronically sick. However, many of the chemicals used at nuclear facilities were dangerous. These chemicals cause a long list of illnesses, many of which are fatal. If you worked for the Department of Energy and now suffer from a debilitating disease, you may qualify for compensation under the EEOICPA.

Our dedicated team at AtomicWorkers® wants to help you apply for EEOICPA benefits. We have a full understanding of the process, and you can count on us to guide you through each step. With over 10 years of experience and 2,000 cases, we have the skills and proven track record to help. Reach out to us to determine if your medical conditions are covered by the EEOICPA.

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