EEOICPA Claims Timeline

When you are submitting an EEOICPA claim, it’s common to want to know how long it will take to process your claim and receive your benefits. It can also sometimes be unclear how using an advocate can cause your claim to be processed more quickly.

The day you submit necessary paperwork for a claimed condition establishes the effective date for medical coverage and potential reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses. Do not delay, call today and let’s get your claim filed.

We’ve put together a timeline that will help show you how an EEOICPA claim is processed and prepared, and how an advocate can help you reach final approval in half the time.

Still have questions about filing your EEOICPA claim? Connect with AtomicWorkers® online or call (720) 644-9161. All inquiries are confidential, and we offer a free consultation.

Click here to download our 5-Minute Guide to EEOICPA Claims

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